Friday, April 15, 2011

WIPO reached the 2 millionth mark with PCT

Well it's a happy time for WIPO. They have successfully managed to reach the 2 millionth mark in the total number of filed PCT( Patent Cooperation Treaty) applications. US based company Qualcomm (specialized in wireless networks and mobile technology) became the "2 millionth" applicant to file the PCT application. It is noteworthy that PCT application provides patent legal protection to about 142 contracting states( Thailand being the recent member, in 2009). While WIPO says,  earlier the maximum number of applications came from the regions of US and Europe, but in the past few years, East Asia is emerging as the territory filing maximum number of patent applications. China, Korea and Japan are the leading contributors to the PCT application system.WIPO says, it almost took 26 years for PCT to reach its1 millionth mark, since its foundation in the year 1978.

Take for instance, Qualcomm started by filing 37 PCT applications in 1995  and it grew to about 1,677  PCT applications in the year 2010.Certainly such a vibrant data suggests the globally alert technology and innovation sector.I can conclude by saying that such a rise in the level of global alertness about intellectual property and its rights certainly show a vibrant future for the innovators.

(Image by Alicia Solario)