Monday, March 14, 2011

Whopping 37K patent applications at indian patent office

Well its a great figure to begin with! Indian Patent Office witnessed a whopping 37,000 patent applications this fiscal year. According to P.H.Kurian (Controller General of Patent Design and Trademark): "This year we expect to get 37,000 patent, 1.7 lakh trade mark and some 6,500 industrial design applications which is about 10-15 per cent increase over last year". With great success, comes greater responsibility, therefore the IPO is currently expected to increase work employees says Mr Kurian: ""We are in process of recruiting 257 officers for our offices and it will done in the next three months".

So, greater work force, whopping number of patent applications, seems like IPO is on the road to success, raising the moolah from Rs180 crore last year to Rs 250 crore this fiscal year. And not to forget, as I mentioned in my earlier post, the IPO is making e-filing of patent applications mandatory from now onwards. It will be worth watching how these "New" changes will reflect upon the patent application statistics in future.Till then sink in the success!

(Image by Billy Frank Alexander)