Friday, September 23, 2011

This is a "Sweet Patent"!

Well, I have covered many IP topics, Patents and Trademarks. But this one for sure is the “Sweetest Patent” to be issued. The applicant for this patent is “Sweetfields Inc.”, a family owned business, located in Southern California and deals with Crystallized edible flowers or Candied edible flowers. It is reported that USPTO will issue Sweetfields Inc. , a patent for the invention resulting in edible or non edible , non-perishable , flower derived food items which will possess improved durability, aesthetics, scent and flavor.

The patent is expected to be issued on Oct 4, 2011. You may access the patent application here.While the art of crystallizing flowers isn't novel and has been practiced by many others in the business for ages but it is reported that Sweetfields's invention will aim at improving the overall shelf life of the edible crystallized flowers and the method devised will introduce scalable process for mass production of such candied flowers.

The grant of this particular patent will definitely boost Sweetfields market growth and will bring more business to the company in the near future. All in all , it's a sweet patent, isn't! 

( Image by Rafal P.)