Thursday, February 10, 2011

US No.1 in the race of International Patent filings followed by Japan

US keeps the number one slot in International Patent filings with with 44,855 international applications, followed by Japan (32,156 filed applications) and Germany (17,171 filed applications).This makes US as the largest user of the PCT system. Digital Communication saw the fastest growth (17.3%, 10,581 published applications) in 2010. This technical field accounted for the largest share of total PCT applications published in 2010 .Almost every other field of technology experienced declines or modest growth. The sharpest decline in patenting was seen in the field of telecommunications.

 Amongst the firms, Panasonic Corp ( Japan) keeps the number one slot by filing whopping 2154 applications in the year 2010 whereas in spite of a rigorous competition amongst the world's top universities, The University of California (306 applications) accounted for the largest number of applications published in the category of academic institutions link.

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